Urban Slicer Focaccia Recipe

Urban Slicer Focaccia Recipe

Making focaccia is much easier than you might think and it's one of the best breads out there to use for sandwiches, dipping and even as a crust for a pizza.  

First of all, this is just our take on it, which is a very simple, same-day, way to make it.  There are lots of amazing recipes for focaccia out there, with many different techniques, so we encourage you to find the one that works for you.  Using our two mixes will yield awesome breads and crusts, using all kinds of different techniques. 

If you have the time, cold fermenting the dough for up to 72 hours can add flavor, texture and more pillow like features.  Cold fermenting is a process by which you place the mixed dough balls immediately into the refrigerator (covered) and get chilled down as quickly as possible.  This slows the yeast down to a crawl and creates sourdough like characteristics.  After 24-72 hours, you move the dough to room temperature and begin a similar process as described in this recipe.  You will need a little more time as it's coming from a cold state. 

As I often say when I teach classes: Just like smoke is a flavor in BBQ, time is a flavor in dough.

* You will want (2) 10x14" pans, or something in that size range



  • Add both dough mixes to a mixer, whisk well to combine
  • Using a dough hook, start the mixer and begin adding the 2 cups of 80F degree water, slowly
  • Once the water is in the mixer, start a timer and let the mixer run on low-medium (on our Kitchen Aid, we prefer level 2, just above slow) for 6 minutes
  • Slowly add 2 TBSP of olive oil to the batch and let the mixer work the oil in for another 6-7 minutes.
  • While this is mixing, use a paper towel to lightly oil the two pans to prevent sticking.  Alternatively, you can use an olive oil spray.  Also, turn the light on in your oven which will help speed up the rise of the dough.
  • Remove the dough from the mixer and divide into two equal sections (you do not need to ball it up, at this point)
  • Place each section of dough in the middle of each pan
  • Using oiled hands, begin pressing the dough out to the edges of the pans, being careful to keep the dough level and even, and not too thick or thin in any one area.
  • Note: the dough might be stick, that is OK and a good thing.  We want plenty of water in that dough, so just use as much oil as needed on your hands
  • Once pressed out to the edges, brush or spread with hands about 1 TBSP of olive oil all over the top of the dough to prevent it from drying out.  Cover with plastic wrap and place in the oven, with only the light on.  The light on in the oven speeds up rise time, giving 10-15F degrees above room temp.
  • Note: the dough may not press all the way to the edges at this time.  That is OK, we'll have another chance to finish this after it relaxes a bit
  • Let the dough sit in the oven for 2 hours
  • After two hours, remove the plastic wrap.  At this point, you can gently try to stretch the dough further to the edges if needed.  Try not to press all of the air out of the dough at this time.
  • Once stretched the second time, using your fingertips gently press some dimples into the top of the dough, all the way to the bottom of the pan.  You can see in our picture where we did that. 
  • At this time, if desired, you can add a healthy layer of Urban Slicer White Pizza Mojo and some fresh chopped rosemary, to the top
  • Cover the dough again, and put it back in the oven with the light on
  • Repeat the dimpling process again after 2 more hours, then place the dough back into the oven for 1-2 hours for the final rise.  This will be the last time we touch the dough before baking
  • Remove the pans from the oven and preheat the oven to 500F degrees
  • Remove the plastic wrap and bake for 5-6 minutes, until the dough starts to setup and turn light brown
  • For an extra crispy, fried, bottom: remove the pans from the oven, gently lift the dough with a spatula and add more olive oil under the focaccia
  • Return to oven and bake another 4-6 minutes until nice and golden brown
  • Remove from oven and brush the top with olive oil
  • Let cool and enjoy it however you'd like!



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